The German TV news broadcast for children “Logo” is now available with English and Arabic subtitles. You can find it here:!-%28tivi%29
The videos called “logo! am …” are the ones with Arabic subtitles. They are called “logo! am Montag”, “logo! am Dienstag”, “logo! am Mittwoch”, “logo! am Donnerstag”, “logo! am Freitag”, “logo! am Samstag” and “logo! am Sonntag”.
The news are updated every Saturday to Thursday at 8 p.m. and every Friday at 7.30 p.m. You can watch the latest news the day after its release. So if you want to watch the news from Monday, you have to wait till Tuesday.
Of course, parents can watch the news broadcast for grown ups called “Tagesschau”. The short form is available in English and Arabic every day. You can find it here:
The news are updated every Monday to Friday two times per day (11 a.m. and 6 p.m.) and every Saturday, Sunday and holiday one time per day (1 p.m.). Just check it out. It’s pretty cool and you will never miss an important announcement.